Saturday, April 04, 2009

Worst Dressed Diva Of The Week: Paula Abdul

Surprise, Surprise. Like I said before, Paula Abdul is guaranteed to be on my worst dressed list just by putting her pinky toe on the red carpet. It's absolutely no way this woman has a stylist. If she does, he or she needs to be haul off and shot! This ensemble is a catastrophe.


  1. I think this is Paula's signature marks, horrendous fashion styles. I don't think i've ever seen her in a "best dress" section... ever! She's probably on the top 5 of the Most Wanted list of the FAPD (Fashion Police Dept lol).

    Oh, well, it's a free country right?

  2. Anonymous12:27:00 PM

    I absolutely love your blog it is by far one of the best fashion blogs I've come across, BUT one thing drives me CRAZY, will you please use spell-check?...just some constructive critisism.

  3. Liberian Girl12:04:00 AM

    Thank you for the compliment. I have to admit spelling is truly my weakness. I hate to inform you but you spelled criticism incorrectly.
    I promise to do better!
