Sunday, November 02, 2008

Get Out and Vote For Obama!

As November 4th approach, I can't help but to be hopeful and excited. We have the opportunity to make history and elect the first African-American President of the United States! Just thinking about it makes me want to shout Hallelujah, thank you Jesus! We can't get complacent at this crucial point. It's our duty to get out there and vote and encourage others to do the same. I hope most people voted early like myself. If you know of any senior citizens or someone who may need transportation, please offer your assistant anyway you can. Please document or video tape any voter fraud. They already stole the election in 200o, so we can't let it happen again. I feel anyone who doesn't exercise their right to vote is just simply ignorant and should not have the right to complain or enjoy the benefits!
I am not voting for Barack Obama because he is African-American. I am voting for him because his solutions to the economy, health care and job issues. I am extremely frighten at the thought of John McCain and Sarah Palin as our leaders. They are so out of touch with minorities and the issues. I pray it's God's will for Barack Obama to be our next President!

1 comment:

Deanna Jackson said...

This is our moment in history and we have to exercise our right to vote in this election like none other. I am so emotional by the fact that Obama is qualified to be the next commander-in-chief. He is up on the issues that are affecting middle class America and it is my belief that with time, he will get this country back on track!!! OBAMA 2008 YALL!!!